Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Hello world!
Yesterday, when the Safe Haven team woke up, we were prepared to write about reaching our goal of 500 likes on Facebook. Instead, we woke up to find that 600+ people had become a part of the community. In less than twelve hours, that 600 has grown to 1,000!
We couldn't be more excited!!!
Serving selflessly is our goal. If anyone ever needs to talk, let loose, even if you just need some encouragement, this community and the SafeHavenftp team is here for you.
Facebook Messenger: Safe Haven or this page
WeChat: SafeHavenftp
Twitter Message: @SafeHavenftp
Email: SafeHavenftp@gmail.com
Google+: ^
Skype: SafeHavenftp
And if you feel like it, we are on Reddit and Pintrest too! Have a wonderful day everyone!
With love and hope,
P.S.: WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!

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