Sunday, December 20, 2015

Happy Holidays!

Hello world!
It's been too long since we have last published. For that, we sincerely apologize.
As the holidays approach, many people find themselves feeling lonely. Don't forget how important people are, even if you don't know them. Show the world that you care and give a little back!
Happy Holidays,
SafeHavenftp heart emoticon
P.S.: We have started working with a lovely man known as Mister Talk who is happy and willing to talk with anyone in need. You can eMail him at

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Hello world!
Yesterday, when the Safe Haven team woke up, we were prepared to write about reaching our goal of 500 likes on Facebook. Instead, we woke up to find that 600+ people had become a part of the community. In less than twelve hours, that 600 has grown to 1,000!
We couldn't be more excited!!!
Serving selflessly is our goal. If anyone ever needs to talk, let loose, even if you just need some encouragement, this community and the SafeHavenftp team is here for you.
Facebook Messenger: Safe Haven or this page
WeChat: SafeHavenftp
Twitter Message: @SafeHavenftp
Google+: ^
Skype: SafeHavenftp
And if you feel like it, we are on Reddit and Pintrest too! Have a wonderful day everyone!
With love and hope,
P.S.: WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Baby Haven Just Gained 100+ Experience!

Exciting news everyone!
Operation Safe Haven has now gained 100 likes and has reached 500+ people! Shoutout to Susan Beach for being the first to participate!
In less that one week, Safe Haven for the People has gone global. Soon we will be infiltrating schools across the United Stated with our message and our invitations for help.
On of our main goals this year is to help people who are suicidal or are truly struggling with depression and anxiety. But as a whole, we just want to help anyone we can.
Thank you so much for your support,

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


Hello everyone!
Even with all of the amazing things this world has to offer, even with all of the people that love and care about us, it still seems that pain and sorrow can creep it's way into our lives.
This is a reminder that you are not alone.
Pain is a relevant feeling. People feel it differently and on different levels. And sometimes it seems like no one could possibly understand.
Gathered here is some of the most understanding people on the planet. If you need to let things out, go ahead. If you need some understanding, send the message.
At Safe Haven, we want nothing more than to help you through your troubles and to make your day a better one.

With love and hope,

Safe Haven


Friday, September 18, 2015


Hello world!
I personally would like to welcome everyone who sees this. Over many years I have observed my environment and its lack of community. No body talks freely and trust is hard to find. Personally, this seems wrong to me. People everywhere are struggling with pain and stress, anger and hatred, and sometimes they have no one to talk to and nowhere to turn.
This is meant to be a place where people help each other, give advice, lend a helping hand, and celebrate accomplishments and achievements with each other. I am honored to have this small opportunity to do something big in other people's lives. Have an amazing day everyone!

With love and hope,

Owner of

P.S.: For those who do not feel comfortable speaking in front of others, please send a message to SafeHavenftp on WeChat